Pre-Owned Equipment | 2012 Case 580SN Backhoe 2012 Case 580SN Backhoe2012 Case 580SN Backhoe Year: 2012 Hours: 3,139 Price: $57,500 Description: CAB, A/C, Ext a Boom, Case Controls, 4X4 Stock Number: EQ0175545 Location: Tulsa, OK 74128 GET MORE INFORMATION Call About ProductGet FinancingGet a Quote Facebook LinkedIn CONTACT US ABOUT THE 2012 Case 580SN Backhoe EQ0175165 Please Complete All Fields Marked With A * Name* First Last Phone*Email* City*State / Province / Region*ZIP Code*What Pre Owned Equipment Are You Interested In?*CommentsCAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ